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A safety net in times of crisis for individuals and families in Finney County.
The Finney County Partnership for Unmet Needs was established in 2023 to assist individuals and families who had exhausted all other avenues of assistance.
Recognizing that financial stability is one of the three building blocks for a good quality of life, the Unmet Needs partnership pools private donations and church pledges to provide stability during a crisis or other difficult situation.
What type of help is available?
Funding is available, for Finney County residents, to help defray transportation costs for appointments that require travel outside of Finney County. Appointments can be for medical, legal, immigration, etc, and proof of appointment must be presented at the time of application.
Requests for fuel will be paid in the form of gas cards and will be calculated based on mileage to and from the community. If hotel or other costs are requested, they will be paid directly to the hotel, mechanic, or vendor.
The limit is $300 per person per year.
For more information or to apply for funding:
From hello to help. We’re here for you.
United Way 211 is a free, confidential service that can connect you to a wide range of resources and services across Kansas (not just United Way-funded partners). We don’t just “patch you through” to agencies. We dig deep to understand what’s happening and connect you with the resources that best meet those needs, not just the one that prompted your call or text. Available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Click here for more information.