Invest in Finney County
Thank you for your commitment to Finnney County United Way and for helping to create lasting change in our community. An investment to United Way is an investment in our future. Our work, in conjunction with Partner Agencies, improves lives and strengthens Finney County. The benefits also extend indirectly to our corporate partners, who reap well-earned rewards for nurturing community growth and change. Run a workplace campaign, volunteer, and communicate how you are helping to advance the common good.
Workplace Campaign
Having a workplace campaign is a great way to get your employees involved in philanthropy. Finney Coutny United Way holds its annual campaign starting mid-August.
The workplace payroll deduction is the most convenient and efficient way to give to United Way. It's the workplace payroll deduction system that allows United Way to keep its overhead exceptionally low for the dollars that we raise. It's the system that allows 12 people, 50 people, 200 people, or more to give a little from each pay period. The employer collects these contributions and then sends a check to Finney County United Way for processing. Some employers send their checks bimonthly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. This system allows us to keep staff to a minimum and administrative overhead very low. To enroll in easy payroll deduction contributions, see your employer for the enrollment form.
Help your employees stay motivated to LIVE UNITED year round! Not sure how to get your employee giving campaign started or how to keep it going strong? Contact Deb Oyler to see how we can help you.
Campaign Video
Watch our 2025 Campaign Video!
Past campaign videos
We have many great community partners who believe in FCUW and have seen the impact firsthand. Our 2024 Campaign Video gives a short glimpse about what United Way means in Finney County.
Campaign Toolkit
Feel free to use these items at any time. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Deb at Finney County United Way at 620.275.1425.
Employee Campaign Manager Timeline: Prior to Your Workplace Campaign
Meet with your United Way team member to get your campaign packet and talk about how you can lead your campaign.
Meet with your CEO or Leadership Team to determine a volunteer project, timeline, goals, pledge forms, strategies, and incentives for your workplace campaign.
Create a team from various departments to assist with your campaign
Plan and schedule a leadership event
Set up time(s) and location(s) for the kickoff event and volunteer project. Secure agency speakers, pledge forms, campaign materials, and any incentives or prizes
Communicate about United Way’s impact early and often
During Your Workplace Campaign
Hold kickoff event and volunteer project
Provide pledge form information to everyone!
Follow up with employees
Hold special events to raise additional money and to increase employee engagement (Click Here for list of Special Event Ideas)
Remind everyone that 99% of donations support programs in Finney County
Report progress regularly
Share Pictures
Wrap-Up Workplace Campaign
THANK everyone involved with the campaign including donors, team members, leadership, etc.
Work with leadership about posting results
Fill out your pledge envelope including your corporate donation form
Contact your United Way team member to pick up your packet
Develop a plan for year-round updates on how United Way is putting donations to work in the community